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United Professional Horsemen’s Code of Ethics

As members of The United Professional Horsemen’s Association, Inc. (UPHA), we acknowledge our role of providing service to the horse industry, and recognize the need to do so in a professional manner, and to deal with the public and our colleagues with the highest degree of integrity. Therefore, we have set forth the following creed which shall govern our endeavors to fulfill our obligations:

We pledge to:

  1. Ensure that the welfare of the horse is paramount and that every animal shall at all times be treated humanely and with dignity, respect and compassion

  2. Uphold and adhere to the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and sportsmanship of the UPHA and to work to further its goals and objectives

  3. Conduct all business affairs with clients and other professionals in an honest, sincere, open and forthright manner

  4. Instill confidence among clients and the public in the horse industry, avoiding any action conducive to discrediting it or the membership of the United Professional Horsemen’s Association

  5. Handle our business and operations in a manner that promotes the image of the UPHA and professionalism through our conduct, dress and behavior

  6. Adhere to moral and ethical principles reflecting soundness of character

  7. Have a reciprocal relationship with each other wherein we are compelled to comment to our peers on their actions as well as be receptive of comments on our actions, if those actions might be perceived or interpreted as abusive or inappropriate


We agree to bring forward any conduct alleged to be in violation of this Code of Ethics to the UPHA Executive Board, UPHA Board of Directors and UPHA Ethics Review Committee for review. 

© 2024 United Professional Horsemen's Association

Website Design By Horseminded, LLC

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